Monday, 28 November 2011

My Destination???

Is time count down to end month of  November 
that means my final is near around to me...
but study mood still so moody
Assignment still have to rush but really no mood to do so,
I apologize to my group mate, even my idea also not so useful in my assignment...
but i will get my best to take it finish...
what the fucking on me!!!!
Totally lost of all direction, I just can said that..

Lately i received many of my friends will go SINGAPORE work soon
actually i also got to go soon...
(If can i dun hope stay at here anymore)
This is my future when I think about it...
should turn right, turn left or straight go..
mostly straight go i not suitable for me anymore...
cos i not plan to take degree course in KL
some-more my DIPLOMA course can graduate smoothly, I also blur like "sotong"(copy from my MIS lecturer)
but I already decide, can graduate or not
I also wont continue in my study
cos i found that, i already lose den other same age with me..
some more my dad already old, and i dun hope he over state work anymore
because need to pay money for my course and my pocket money
MY dad work to let me get comfortable life
is time to turn get comfortable life to my dad and my mom...
By the way, I will finish in my following 2 more semester

Lately I saw many of ppl graduate pictures
I jealous them, can get graduate 
at there moment I know that the time is fright to me every day, every hours, every minutes even every second
I dun wan to waste my time anymore and i notice that I cant earn back my previous time 
for now I just can use my time carefully   

Recently my friends and I went to cinema watch a movie, quite meaningful 
this talk about ours secondly school life
“那些年 我们一起追的女孩”
Inside the female actor so beauty and sweet 
but when I saw she, I think back about "HER"
because when I saw the female actor picture, look similar....
but when I think back HER, I not feel so sad anymore 
a bit sure have, cos I really cant fully forget HER...
maybe when we meet at sheet, I think I will no dare to face with HER 
not I do some wrong things to HER, is I dun noe want how to start the conversation
maybe u will said “男孩子 大方点啦” this problem not kind of personal problem 
actually is my problem!!!!!
And my relative and my friends ask me, why dun find a gf 
u study at kampar, sure got a lot of girl to pick
I wish said that "FUCK YOU", 
yes, I study at kampar but must find gf at here...some more I still wish I'm single until end of my study only start to find my partner
my thinking if I get gf here, but when I decide go work how about gf
need break up or she follow me go same place with me..???
If I can meet a girl same think with me, that is not a problem
if now in a relationship but when I go work need break up with that girl 
I really cant do that, to hurt that girl so I decide to single at this moment.
although when I saw couple in front of me, I admit that I really so jealous them
Especially my gang around me...but I not same with them....
So if u read my blog, and nx time do not try to ask my about "y dun find a gf at here"
I really dun wan ans this kind of bored question
even I got my opinion....
This is the movie theme song I talk about above
so nice...
enjoy this song as enjoy my blog too....

Sunday, 13 November 2011


最近 不懂哪来的心情
去看一本 单身男生需要的书本

哈哈 就是这本书啦
当我看着本书的时候 我觉得这本书的作者 很棒
给了很多提示 如何去接触女生
但我看不到一半 进度真慢
没办法啦 最近很多assignment要赶

现在就让我说下真书的 大概内容吧
开头 它让普通男生 如何变成 有风度的男生
打个比方说 衣作方面
带女生去约会的地方 都是我想象不到的惊奇
通常男生带女生去约会 都会选一些比较少人的地方
比如 咖啡厅 餐厅 等等的地方
它却教读者 到女生到一些 多人的地方 还说越多越人 越好
例如 游乐场 广场 之类的地方
它说如果在人多的地方 就有很多机会 和女生接触
好像说 如果要过马路 就有机会说 “让我牵的手 带你越过这繁忙的马路”
我看了 笑了一下
但回想下 它也说的蛮对的
我的意识是 让那女生觉得  跟那男生一起有安全感

还有其他 很有意识的教导
比如 如何和女生沟通 而不会让女生觉得的烦
看到这 我傻眼了一下 
将的东西也是 一门学问 我真的想拿出时间 把这本书给看完
每个星期除了Assignment还是Assignment,不然就要quiz和practical test
再将下去 我很快会给逼疯的....

最近 我买一个boardband,它名字很搞笑
(You are FREE use internet mobile until you graduate)
就是这句 奇怪的东西 我就跑去问那salesman
一问之下 才发觉有惊奇的发现
这需付一次RM74 就能 免费用到我毕业
当是我和朋友 只想了几分钟 的决定买下来了
当时我 没想到我有没有用到 的时候
这是想到 反正有将好的东西 就把它给要了下来
哈哈 就是这东西了
虽然买了 但还没正式 用过
它不但能上网 还能打电话 和sms 给朋友
而且是用电脑哦 并不需要电话
我只能说 当初我随便说说的科技
遗憾的是 那个发明家不是我(慢慢等吧-.-)

这是我最近 喜欢的歌曲
虽然是旧歌 当很好听!!!